Thursday, November 19, 2009


Today, a question: Two months ago I fell in love with a bag. Yes. Luv. With a bag. The fist time I saw the bag I just admired it in the store for a while. It was a quite expencive bag and so it didn't feel right to go ahead and buy it just like that. I told myself, and my friend who was there with me, that I needed to think it over. But even as I left the store, I knew that I wanted it. There was no doubt. Finally, using my birthday as a rationale, I bought the bag a week back, after searching for it through significant parts of urban North India. I had no idea I was capable of loving a bag. Rather the former me used to pride herself in not caring much about clothes, and especially not about accessories. But now, since I arrived in India in July, I've bought eight (!) clutches/purses/bags, five of them for myself. What the **** happened?

1. My stubborn personality finally caved in to the massive pressure of the market forces, who have been telling me since childhood that I need accessories in order to be happy.

2. Turning 27, my body released "purse-hormones", assuming that these nice accessories will significantly improve my chances for reproduction.

3. I was corrupted by the presence of a friend who is not ashamed to say that a good purse makes life worth living (ICWM).

4. It is the result of the natural process of feminisation, turning the androgyne girl child into a full-fledged woman, and this process is a little delayed on my part.

5. It's the influence of Mayawati (funny only for the initiated).

6. My identity is faltering as I realize that I will probably never get a job, even if I ever finish my education. Better look good.

7. It's all about the bag.

Vote here and feel free to add alternatives that are felt to be missing. Oh, and I just recalled purse number nine in five months. Jeez. Here's the loved one:



  1. 8.You long for title of "Bag Lady"--as formerly held by hoarders & homeless of American streets. You fill them with your life and carry them (all at once) at all times. They become you. You become them. Bag Lady.
